Many people will be spending more time at home this holiday season. While Christmas and the New Year make look different, family’s are looking forward to creating new traditions within their household.
A full Christmas tree can make one feel warm and cozy. A homemade ornament cannot only help fill those gaps, but it can impart some love.

Some may think of elementary school style ornaments made by children, but it can look and feel more sophisticated (if that’s what you’re going for). Below is a list of five holiday ornaments to help create new traditions for the whole family.

Orange Slices
I live in Florida and orange trees are plentiful. This is a great way to include a local delicacy and traditional holiday decor. It is also super simple and beautiful. You can attach a ribbon and hang on your tree or string them together for a garland above the fireplace.
- Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
- Cut your oranges into slices, about 1 cm thick.
- Use a paper towel or tea towel to dab the flesh of the oranges to get as much of the liquid soaked up as possible.
- Place your oranges either directly on the racks in your oven, or on a cooling rack placed in the oven.
- Dry your orange slices in the oven for up to 4 hours or until they are completely dry, flipping every thirty minutes or so and checking to see if they’re done.
- Once finished, leave out on your cooling rack to dry and set overnight.
Pro Tip: If you aren’t snagging them from your tree, see if you can find some blood oranges for a different look.
Pinecones and Leaves

Foraging for items in your backyard is cost effective but can also be helpful in your newest ornamental creations. Depending on your location, grab a pinecone or a dried leaf (HURRY! BEFORE THE SNOW COMES!) and decorate it to fit your holiday decor. Some things to have on hand: paint, glitter, ribbon, and string.
Bells are definitely popping up more this holiday season then I’ve seen in recent years. I personally love a very traditional gold bell. You can add your own customized touch by seeking out a ribbon that accents your other holiday decor. You can find inexpensive bells or various textures and sizes and your local Michaels or Hobby Lobby.

Personalized Ball Ornament
Grab your favorite ball ornament and a paint pen and create. This year I wanted to create something with our last name on it but you can create anything using text such as “Noel” or “Ho Ho Ho”. If you have a new baby or a couple who recently wed, you can also design a “First Christmas” ornament, without breaking the bank. Add on your favorite ribbon and you have a timeless ornament that will last for years.

Baked Cinnamon Ornaments
These are such a classic! These might remind you more of elementary school classrooms but there are ways to make them more sophisticated looking- and they smell AMAZING! They can be added to the ribbon of a wrapped gift or simply just add to your own tree. You can add paint or puff paint once they are fully dried. There are tons of recipes, this is a really easy (and inexpensive) one I found on pinterest that I have made.
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
- In a bowl mix together applesauce and cinnamon until it forms a clay like dough. Roll this out between 2 sheets of wax paper until it is 1/2″ thick.
- Cut using cookie cutters, lay them on your cookie sheet.
- Then use a straw or skewer to poke a hole at the top of each one all the way through so you can put a ribbon to hang them when they’re cooked.
- Bake for 2.5 hours. Remove and place on a cooling rack.
- Allow them to dry for 48 hours, turning them over every 12 hours.
- Once completely dry add a ribbon inside the hole.

Whatever your plans may be this holiday season, these DIY ornaments are a fun family activity to bring everyone together for some wholesome, inexpensive fun!