Food Books

The latest food books and food buzz!

Make Yourself Comfortable, Dear

By Marsha Fottler – February is the month to settle in and let the weather do its worst while you have something hot, comforting and delicious cooking in your kitchen. If you need encouragement or inspiration, I’m suggesting Comfortable in the Kitchen, a new book by Meredith Laurence. She is a chef and teacher who […]

Good Hare Day

By Herb Gardener Celebrating Rosh Hashanah and surviving the coercive merriment of Western New Year’s Eve leaves scant energy for marking Chinese New Year’s. Yet I predict that just as we can’t resist reading the Chinese zodiac on our restaurant placemats and identifying tigers, rats, and pigs around the booth, the dancing street dragons and […]

Of Kitchens and Dining Rooms Past

By Marsha Fottler – In his new book At Home, history lover and gleeful researcher Bill Bryson investigates the evolution of various rooms on the house, a project inspired by his own purchase of a vintage rectory in Norfolk, England. While exploring each room of his new-old house he began to wonder why humans live […]

Dressing The Table

By Marsha Fottler – It’s a fact that we eat with our eyes, so what surrounds food to make it look inviting is important. A good host pays extreme attention to the how the table looks and functions. In a new book Perfect Table Settings by Denise Vivaldo, the author devotes 193 pages out of […]

Celebrating an Enduring Couple–Food & Wine

By Erin R. Griswold – The locavore movement (buying locally produced goods and services) is not lost on John Sarich in his new book Chef in the Vineyard: Fresh & Simple Recipes from Great Wine Estates. In this beautifully photographed and logically organized guide, wine and food pairings are extolled and explained in simple yet […]

Food Buzz: Discover Parsnips

By Chef Judi Gallagher – For some reason, chefs are more comfortable with the root vegetable parsnips than most modern home cooks. There’s no good reason for that; more people should be enjoying this sweet and flavorful vegetable that had it’s cultural roots in ancient Rome. In that land the parsnip was considered an aphrodisiac […]

High Cookie Season Is Here

By Marsha Fottler – We’re heading into high cookie season as home cooks all over the nation start pulling out family favorites and or begin to search for fresh inspiration for cookies to give as holiday gifts. Nothing quite satisfies eaters of all ages like a fresh cookie. Cookielicious by St. Petersburg Times newspaper editor […]

Easy To Use New Recipe Book

By Anna Dantoni – The first thing I really like about the Gooseberry Patch Keepsake Cookbook is that it’s organized in a sturdy loose leaf binder that stands upright on the counter so that the home cook can use it conveniently. Better yet, it has index tabs (in color) that take you right to categories […]

AGWA Puts the Coca Back in Cocktail

By Herb Gardener – A journey into the spirit world — of alcoholic beverages, that is — can be bewildering to the uninitiated. High-end bars have come to resemble apothecaries where Red Bull (energy drink) runs with Hpnotiq (exotic fruit juices/vodka/cognac blend) and liquor wells sport more infused vodka flavors than my wife Flora has […]

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